Right to Know Request
Right to Know Request
Mid Valley School District
Policy No. 801
Right to Know Policy
I. Public Information Request
Right to Know Request Forms are available at the Mid Valley School District’s Administrative Office, 52 Underwood Road, Throop, PA 18512 or at mvsd.us Please forward completed Right to Know Request Forms to Mid Valley School District’s Open Records Officer Mr. Patrick Sheehan, 52 Underwood Road, Throop, PA 18512 or at 570‐307‐1108 , sheehanp@mvsd.us.
II. Processing Results
The Mid Valley School District will process requests in compliance with the provisions of Act 3 of 2008, the Pennsylvania Right to Know Act. The fee for copying records is 25 cents per page. Requesters will be asked to prepay if fees are expected to exceed $100. Requesters will only be provided with existing school district public records. If, upon reasonable investigation, available records pertaining to the request do not exist, the requester will be so notified and the request will be considered denied. Requests should identify or describe records and/or documents with sufficient specificity to ascertain which records and/or documents are being requested.
III. Denials
Denials for information pursuant to Act 3 of 2008, the Pennsylvania Right to Know Law, may be appealed to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Office of Open Records, Commonwealth Keystone Building, 400 North Street, Plaza Level, Harrisburg, PA, 17120‐0225, 717‐346‐9903, openrecords@state.pa.us
IV. Fee Schedule
A. Copies - 25 Cents per page
B. Fax Transmission - 25 Cents per page
C. Electronic Transmission - 25 Cents per page
D. Postage - As Determined By Weight